国際協力研究誌 Volume 20 Issue 2
published_at 2014-03-31

TIMSS・PISAの2次分析に関する英語論文の実態 : ERICのJournal Articlesに焦点を当てて <総説>

The State of Secondary Analysis on TIMSS and PISA in English Journal Articles : Focus on Journal Articles in ERIC <Review>
Kawahara Taro
710 KB
The purpose of this study is to review the journal articles about secondary analysis on TIMSS and PISA in English journal articles. Used search engine is ERIC and chosen article is Journal Articles only. The keywords are as "(TIMSS or PISA) and Secondary analysis".

This paper examines that the number of journal articles about secondary analysis is 18. There are three findings. The first, the number of PISA is larger than that of TIMSS. The seconds, the number of national level research is larger than classroom revel. And the third, the number of developed countries research is larger than developing countries.

Not so many researches have not been done for developing countries. Accordingly, there are some rooms to next research.