国際協力研究誌 Volume 19 Issue 3
published_at 2013-03-29

Peacebuilding diplomacy of Japan and hybrid peace governance in Sri Lanka <Research Note>

Melegoda Nayani
636 KB
Sri Lanka and Japan celebrate 60 years of warm bi - lateral relations in 2012. Since diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1952, both countries have enjoyed friendly, cordial relations in its 60 years of small power (Sri Lanka) - big power (Japan) relations. Founded on its Culture of Peace, the Japanese government adopted peacebuilding diplomacy in the 1970's in conducting its foreign relations in South and Southeast Asia. In this context, Japan has been the top donor to Sri Lanka for decades. Since the termination of the conflict in Sri Lanka by a military victory in 2009, Japan has continued its contribution to positive peacebuilding in Sri Lanka by funding several key development projects in the war affected area of the North and East of the country. Even at present, Japan is helping the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL)) to develop the infrastructure needed for positive peace and peace governance. The Japanese Government Representative for peacebuilding, rehabilitation and reconstruction in Sri Lanka, Yasushi Akashi visited Sri Lanka in August 2012 (recorded 21st visit to the island since his appointment in 2002). Sri Lanka has been working since the end of the war to establish positive peace in the country. Examining the work done so far in positive peacebuilding, it is clearly visible that Sri Lanka is following a hybrid peace governance model instead of liberal peace model that is advocated by the western powers. GoSL's reasonable success is reflected in the Global Peace Index where Sri Lanka has been placed as one of the top five risers in 2012. Sri Lanka is also placed ahead of other countries in South Asia, namely India, Pakistan and of course Afghanistan in the same Index. To this end, Japanese peacebuilding diplomacy towards Sri Lanka has contributed greatly.
Peacebuilding diplomacy
liberal peace
hybrid peace governance
sustainable development