国際協力研究誌 Volume 10 Issue 2
published_at 2004-03

スウェーデンにおける国際基礎教育協力事業とその評価 【研究ノート】

Swedish international development in basic education and its evaluation
岡部 かおり
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This paper aims at examining Swedish strategies and evaluation on international development in education, in thesake for studying evaluation system of international development in the field of basic education, which is paid atten-tion by many international organizations, among some selected DAC member countries.Analyzing the documents of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency(Sida)mainly makes thispaper.This paper explains Sida's evaluation system including the objectives, the evaluators, the methods and criteria etc.After that, this paper moves on to another main part of this report. Examining the detail case study by using one ofthe programme evaluation reports in the field of basic education, this paper reaches the conclusion as a study form-ing a part of comparative studies among selected DAC member countries.Through the detail examination, this paper compares the difference between Sida evaluation criteria and those ofthe case study, which implemented from 1994in Sri Lanka and evaluated 1996in order to decide if Sida continuedsupporting the educational sector in Sri Lanka after 1998. According this comparison, there are some interestingresults such as the good influence of soft ware aspect of the aid. Although the hard ware aspect of the aid such asschool construction affects the effectiveness, relevance, the soft ware aspect of the aid influence the impact, whichis one of evaluation criteria defined DAC.