広島大学保健学ジャーナル Volume 9 Issue 1
published_at 2010-01-31


The degree of mastery and need for study of the necessary knowledge and, skills for group health education of community health nurses in China
Lu Hongyan
Ono Mitsu
550 KB
本研究は, 中国における地域看護師の小集団健康教育に必要な知識・技術に対する精通度および学習ニーズを明らかにすることを目的とした. 調査内容は, 「基礎理論と知識」, 「小集団的方法の特徴」, 「事前準備と企画」, 「実施」, 「評価」の5大項目と24小項目から構成された小集団健康教育に必要な知識・技術に対する精通度と学習ニーズとした. 対象者は研究協力の同意を得た中国の3つの地方都市における地域医療保健サービス・ステーション61ヵ所に勤務する地域看護師199名に自記式質問紙調査を行い, 有効回答が得られた195名(98.0%)を分析対象とした. その結果, 小集団健康教育に必要な知識・技術項目の各項目に対して, 精通度は「少し知っている」~「あまり知らない」の回答が多く, 全体的に低かった. 一方, 学習ニーズは「非常に必要である」の割合が高かった. しかしながら, 精通度, 学習ニーズともに項目全体の合計得点と5大項目の得点には地域看護経験年数による相違は認められなかった. 5大項目の得点間にはすべて有意な正の相関がみられた. 本研究の結果から, 中国における地域看護師の小集団健康教育に必要な知識・技術への精通度と学習ニーズが明らかとなり, その実態に応じた継続教育プログラムを作成する必要性が示唆された.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the need to study and the degree of mastery of necessary knowledge and skills in the group health education of community health nurses in China. Based on previous research, a questionnaire on the degree of mastery of necessary knowledge, the need for further study and skill items for group health education was developed and used in the current study. The questionnaire comprises questions covering 5 large items and 24 smaller items. The 5 large items consisted of : "Basic therapy and knowledge", "The character of group health education", "Prior preparation and planing", "Implementation" and "Assessment". 199 nurses from 61 community health service stations from three cities in China were given the questionnaire. Data from 195 subjects were considered valid (accounting for 98% of the total) and were analyzed. Results showed that, to the question of the degree of mastery of necessary knowledge and skills, the majority gave an answer of "a little" or "not much idea". On the other hand, to the question of the necessity of study, most subjects gave an answer of "very necessary". However, there was no significant difference in the responses to the 24 small items and the 5 large items on the degree of mastery or necessity of study among nurse with different levels of experience. Significant correlations were also found among the answers to the 5 large items. The results clarified the need to study and the degree of mastery of necessary knowledge and skill items of group health education community nurses in China and the necessity for creating a continuing education program in accordance with nursing experience.
community health nurse
group health education
Copyright (c) 2010 広島大学保健学出版会