広島大学保健学ジャーナル 9 巻 1 号
2010-01-31 発行


Biological sex or gender type, which one more affects hospital nurses' perception of stressor and/or burnout
大植 崇
中谷 隆
479 KB
本研究では, 病棟に勤務する看護師(男性101人, 女性101人)を対象に, 生物学的性差とジェンダー・タイプのどちらがストレッサーとバーンアウトの知覚に影響するかを検討することを目的に, BSRI (Bem Sex Role Inventory), NJSS (Nursing Job Stressor Scale), 日本版MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory)を用いた質問紙調査を行った。その結果, 性差とジェンダー・タイプはそれぞれ独立しており, 性別による特徴は認めず, ストレッサーとバーンアウトとの間には, 部分的に低い水準の相関が確認できた。ストレッサーの知覚では, 性差とジェンダー・タイプの交互作用は有意ではなく, 「役割葛藤」「医師関係」「死」「質的負担」において男性よりも女性の方が有意に高得点で, 「役割葛藤」と「医師関係」においてはジェンダー・タイプの両性具有型の方が女性性型・男性性型よりも高かった。バーンアウトの知覚では, 「情緒的消耗感」は男性よりも女性の方が有意に高く, 「個人的達成感」では両性具有型が他のジェンダー・タイプよりも有意に高かった。この結果から, ストレッサーの知覚には女性であることと両性具有型であることが関与するが, 両性具有型の人は何らかのストレス対処要因を持ち合わせており, これがバーンアウトを防ぐ「個人的達成感」につながっていると推察された。
The purpose of this study was to examine whether biological sex and/or gender type most affected perception of stressors and burnout in nurses. Self-rating questionnaires of BSRI (Bem Sex Role Inventory), NJSS (Nursing Job Stressor Scale), and MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Japanese version) were administered to nurses comprising males 101, females 101 who work in three general hospitals. Results showed that sex differences and the gender type were independent of each other, and the characteristic of sex differences was not recognized. Weak correlations were found between stressors and burnout. Interaction effects between sex differences and the gender type were not significant. Perception of stressors in "nursing role conflict" "conflict with physicians/autonomy" "dealing with death and dying" "qualitative workload" were significantly higher in the female (sex) than in the male (sex). Perception of stressors in "nursing role conflict" "conflict with physicians/autonomy" was significantly higher in the psychologically androgynous (gender type) than in the masculine or feminine (gender type). Perception of the burnout in "emotional exhaustion" was significantly higher in females than in males, and "personal accomplishment" was significantly higher in the psychologically androgyny (gender type) than in other gender types. Considering these results, it can be deduced that although both females and the psychologically androgynous gender types are associated with perception of stressors, nurses in the second category may have some stress-coping factors, associated with "personal accomplishment" and prevent burnout as a result.
Sex difference
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