広島大学保健学ジャーナル 8 巻 1・2 号
2009-12-10 発行

スプリント製作中に観察された上肢動作の特徴 : 初心者動作を中心に

Characteristics of arm motions during splint making : Focus on the motions of beginners
西川 智子
日垣 一男
813 KB
本研究の目的は, スプリント製作中に製作者が用いる上肢動作の特徴, 特に, 初心者の「適合不良に繋がる誤り動作」を明らかにし, 効果的な教授・学習方法の資料を得ることにある. 対象は, スプリント製作に熟練した作業療法士(熟練者)4名とスプリント製作が未経験である作業療法学生(初心者)4名とした. 方法は, スプリントを被製作者の手に形作る場面をビデオ録画し, 製作者が用いた上肢動作を可能な限り具体的に文章記録に転記し, 内容の類似性に従って帰納的に分類した. 次いで, 熟練者と初心者の動作を比較し, 初心者のみに見られる「誤り動作」の特徴を検討した. その結果, ① 被製作者の手の形を考慮せずにスプリントをそわせる, ② スプリントや被製作者の手の柔らかさを考慮せずに圧力を加える, などを得た. これら「誤り動作」は, 初心者教育に有用な文字情報および画像情報として使用可能であると考える.
The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the qualitative characteristics of motions observed during splint making, particularly "motions resulting in a poor fit" among beginners, in order to obtain information for effective teaching and learning methods. Subjects were four occupational therapists (experts) skilled in splint making and four occupational therapy students (beginners). After recording video footage of splint making, the recorded data were transcribed into written data based on qualitative research methods, and the data were classified by similarity of contents. Subsequently, motions observed only among beginners and similar motions observed among experts were compared to determine the characteristics of "flawed motions" in beginners. The following flawed motions were revealed: 1) fitting the splint without considering the shape (curvature) of the recipient's hand, 2) applying pressure without considering the softness of the splint or the recipient's hand. These specific verbalizations of flawed and expert motions were thought to be useful as textual and visual information for educating beginners.
occupational therapy education
occupational therapy student
Copyright (c) 2009 広島大学保健学出版会