広島大学保健学ジャーナル 5 巻 1 号
2005-10-31 発行


A study on the contribution of medical expense disclosure to patient satisfaction
森脇 睦子
西亀 正之
44.4 KB
Approaches to improve the quality of medical service have been studied in Japan by investigating patient satisfaction, the disclosure of their medical records and others. On the other hand, there have been no research studies on the relationship between patient satisfaction and the disclosure of the details of payment for medical services. In this study, we focused especially on medical expenses and investigated whether the disclosure of the details of payment contributed to patient satisfaction. We carried out a questionnaire to be filled out of out-patients and their attendants on patient satisfaction and the disclosure of the details of payment, and obtained 559 valid replies. The results of the statistical analysis were as follows: 1)The factors that contributed most to patient satisfaction were physicians' explanations, the skill and the competency of nurses, and waiting time. 2)65% of patients requested a detailed receipt, the main reason being to know the details of medical treatment. 3)The request for a detailed receipt (a break-down of payment for medical services) was also associated with satisfaction with the hospital as a whole. These results revealed the possibility that disclosing the details of payment for medical services could contribute to patient satisfaction. They also suggested the necessity of further studies on medical record disclosure and the actual informational needs of patients.
広島保健学学会 特別講演
patient satisfaction
quality of medical service
disclosure of medical records