広島大学保健学ジャーナル 3 巻 2 号
2004-03-31 発行

福祉用具による作業療法アプローチの実態と今後の課題 : 日本作業療法学会誌10年の分析から

The present state and future prospects of occupational therapy using technical aids : From an analysis of Japanese Occupational Therapy Society journals for the last ten years.
笹田 哲
宮前 珠子
266 KB
The present state of occupational therapy using technical aids was assessed by examining journals of the Japanese Occupational Therapy Society for the last ten years. The findings were that occupational therapists offered not only bathing aids and excretion aids, but also locomotion and communication aids. Technical aids manufactured by occupational therapists accounted for a little over 50% of the total number. Of the technical aids which the journals had deemed effective, in 70% of cases planning, evaluation, and correction had been performed by occupational therapists. The simulation of technical aids was carried out at a rate of 70%. The degree of satisfaction with technical aids by clients was 90%. Cooperation with other professionals was 90% of the rate. On the other hand, the rate of cooperation with occupational therapists was about 20%. Although follow-up was carried out, it was little more than 10%. Only 10% of occupational therapists utilize IT. The Product Liability Law in the manufacture of technical aids was hardly dealt with.
occupational therapy
technical aids