1. In Taiwan before 1940, there were three distinguished types of native swine which may be named Middle Black Masked Swine or Toyen, Small Red Swine and Small Black Swine according to their exteriors.
2. Of the three types, the Masked Swine is craniologically brachycephalic and the Small Black is longicephalic while the Red Swine occupies an intermediate position.
3. Masking or wrinkle formation of the skin on the forehead and nose as well as on the sides of the body, is a hereditary character which seems to have appeared by mutation among the smooth-skinned South China pigs presumably originated from South China wild pigs, Sus scrofa chirodonta HEUDE.
4. The Taiwanese Masked Swine is the direct descendant of the same race from Kwantung and Fukien provinces, which was introduced by early Chinese settlers.
5. The wild pig indigenous to Taiwan, Sus taivanus SWINHOE, took part in forming the native domestic swine; there are reasons to believe that the Red Swine and the Small Black race are more or less related to the wild pig, the radical form being South Chinese pig in the former and the wild pig in the latter.
6. At the time of Dutch occupation the mountain tribes of Taiwan had kept the wild pigs under domestication which had been turned to red strain by recessive mutation. Through the contact of the natives with the Chinese colonists, it is but natural that occasional matings occurred among the native and imported pigs; thus, the Red Swine and Small Black are the results of the amalgamation of both the blood of domestic and wild stocks. From the osteological standpoint of view, the Small Black is more a direct descendant of the wild pig.
7. Since 1916 when the Japanese Taiwan Government made its breeding plan for promoting the performance of these native hogs, the Berkshire breed was introduced on a large scale. As the result of the extensive crossbreeding the protoform of native races are now on the verge of extinction.
8. In connection with the descents of the Taiwanese native swine, other swine races of Continental China as well as of adjacent territories have been taken in consideration.