Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University
Volume 4
Issue 1-2
Date of Issue:1962-12-20
Publisher:the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University
PP. -
Takesita Isao
PP. 1 - 6
Kakuda Shunpei Onbe Takashi
PP. 7 - 20
Onbe Takashi Kakuda Shunpei
PP. 21 - 45
Kusakabe Daijiro Murakami Yutaka Onbe Takashi
PP. 47 - 79
海鷹丸探検生物学報告,第2報 : 練習船海鷹丸が昭和31年南極探検航海中に太平洋及び印度洋で採取した浮游性腹足類
Taki Iwao Okutani Takashi
PP. 81 - 97
牛乳のクエン酸に関する研究,第2報 : 牛乳のクエン酸含量に及ぼす貯蔵の影響
Anagama Yuzo Kami Takayasu
PP. 99 - 102
Russian Comfreyのアスコルビン酸含量について
Ikeda Minoru Uchimura Soroku Matsui Eitaro
PP. 103 - 109
Symptoms appearing in the eye fundus of the goldfish affected by drugs
Murachi Shiro
PP. 111 - 165
The peculiarities of agricultural development in the Chugoku District, Japan : A study from the standpoint of the "theory of location"
Sasaki Tomizo
PP. 167 - 210
Nutritional physiological studies on the reticulo-rumen of ruminants
Otani Isao
PP. 211 - 327