広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 10 Issue 2
published_at 1971-12-25

Effects of Environmental Temperature on Egg Production, Food Intake and Water Consumption in Laying White Leghorns : II. In the Case of Corn Oil Supplemented Feeding

白レグの産卵,採食,飲水におよぼす環境温度の影響 : II. コーンオイル添加飼料給与の場合
Ito Toshio
Moriya Tesshu
Mimura Ko
898 KB
白レグ産卵鶏24羽を各8羽ずつ3群にわけ,(A)には市販飼料を,(B)および(C)には,コーンオイルをそれぞれ7%および14%添加した市販飼料を与えた.前報にひきつづき,これらの飼料を給与した場合の産卵,採食,飲水におよぼす環境温度(25℃;39% R.H.,30℃;33%,32.5℃;31%,35℃;28%,各温度感作10~15日)の影響を環境調節室内で実験し,次の知見を得た.
1) 採食量は温度上昇と共に減少し,コーンオイル添加によりさらに減少した.
2) コーンオイル添加は卵重には変化なく,産卵率,産卵量の低下が32.5℃以上で,とくに35℃でいちじるしかった.これらの低下は,栄養素の摂取不足にもとずくものと思われた.
3) (B),(C)群は32.5℃で,(A)群は35℃で最高の産卵効率となった.高温におけるカルシウムの添加は,軟卵の出現防止に効果があった.
4) 採食量,飲水量におよぼす乾,湿球温度について考察した.
This research was performed in view of investigating the effects of environmental temperature on egg production, food intake and water consumption in the case of corn oil supplemented feeding in laying White Leghorns. Twenty-fore laying hens were divided into three groups (A), (B) and (C) of eight hens each. (A) was fed with the commercial chicken food, (B) with the commercial food supplemented with 7% of corn oil, and (C) was fed with the commercial food supplemented with 14% of corn oil. The hens were kept in a room temperature of 25°C, 30°C, 32.5°C and 35°C during 10-15 days. The results obtained were as follows.
1) The higher the environmental temperature becomes, the lesser food intake was observed. Supplementation with corn oil accelerated the decrease of food intake.
2) Effects of corn oil supplementation on egg production were not noticeable in the egg weight, but were affective on the egg production rate and the egg production per day above 32.5°C, especially at 35°C. This may be due to the deficiency of nutrients for egg production.
3) The highest efficiency for the egg production was observed at 32.5°C in the case of corn oil supplementation and at 35°C in the case of the commercial food. Compared with the previous paper the difference of the latter result may be attributed mainly to the non-appearance of abnormal eggs. Calcium supplementation proved to be efficient for prevention for broken eggs or no-shelled eggs in higher environmental temperatures.
4) Effects of dry and wet bulb temperature on food intake and water consumption, were discussed.