広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 10 Issue 2
published_at 1971-12-25

The Environmental Factors on the Lamb Growth, Analytically Studied with Extra-Seasonal-Lambs : IV. Wool Growth and the Effects of Environmental Factors

季節外生産羊を利用しためん羊発育に及ぼす環境要因の解析的研究 : IV 羊毛の成長と環境要因の影響
Mimura Ko
Asahida Yasushi
1.41 MB

1. 右mid-sideに1cm角に入墨した皮膚面より刈取った洗上げ羊毛重量の変化をみると,いずれも生後3~4月間に最高を示した.また春季に急増し,秋・冬季に減少の傾向のみられたことも興味深い.羊毛生産量は特に皮膚面積,長さと太さおよび,繊維数の函数と認められるが,子羊の発育初期においては,密度は当然減少するが,その他は全て増加の相(BRODYのself-accelarating phase)にあると考えられ,冬季生産羊の羊毛成長の変化はこのことを明瞭に示している.

2. 向上部位に成長した繊維数は全て3月令までに急速に増加し,以降そのレベルを維持するか増加したが,初夏生産羊では6月令以降すなわち冬~春季にかけ急減した.

3. 単位皮膚面積当り繊維数は,三村(1956)と同様減次減少するが,冬季生産羊では1月令に生時より大となった.羊毛密度は皮膚面積増大率と繊維数増加の両面から検討を要するであろう.

4. 繊維の太さの変化は,一般に3,4月令まで増大,4~6月令に細くなる傾向が認められた.LYNEら(1970)は,暑さは太さを減じるが寒さは太さを減じないと報告している.結果は秋~冬季に繊維の太さを減じる傾向が認められた.わが国西南暖地の冬季の寒さはきびしくないから,この事実は短日と栄養状態の低下に起因することを暗示している.
It is not easy to show in full details the changes in wool production during the growing of lambs, mainly because the period of the year in which ewes will be lambing is mostly restricted to spring, consequently it will be difficult to separate seasonal rhythm from the original pattern of wool growth.

In order to solve the problem the authors took twenty-seven lambs produced outside the normal lambing season from 1957 to 1960. And these twenty-one lambs together with eight lambs produced under normal condition were reared from birth to the twelfth month for female and from birth to sixth month for male, during the years 1957-1963 in order to investigate analytically the growth pattern and environmental effects.

In sequence to the previous paper the authors report here now on wool growth and seasonal effects during the growing of lambs.

Rapid increasing rates of number of fibre follicles on surface skin were observed within birth to the 3rd month in spring lambs, summer lambs and winter lambs; within birth to the 4th month in autumn lambs; and within the 4th to the 6th months in early -summer lambs. It was recognized that the most rapidly increasing periods were under early spring and autumn conditions. Wool density in winter lambs increased from birth to the 1st month differing from tendencies in other groups and the fact which Mimura has reported the progressive decreasing along the growing of lambs. On the variation, in general, of average fibre diameter increasing size from birth to the 3rd or the 4th months and declining tendencies from the 4th month to the 6th month were noticed. Especially poor sizes were remarkable in early-summer lambs within the 4th to the 6th months under autumn condition and in winter lambs within the 9th to the 12th months under winter condition. Therefore, the authors suggest that decline in fibre diameter may be attributed to day-shortness and poor nutrition rather than cold temperature under autumn and winter condition.

It is very important to suggest that all components affecting wool production are increasing phases, in exception with wool density, during early stage after birth responsing to the rapid growth and development of lambs.

In all groups the highest clean wool production per unit area occurred within the 3rd to the 4th months. Although the highest production in autumn lambs was synthetically attributed to the high growth rates in skin expansion, fibre diameter and fibre length within the ages, those in other groups might be attributed not only to one or two components which could be interaction of various components upon each other.