From a different angle what is called from a parasitic land owner system theory, this paper tends to try one analysis. The parasitic land owner system has been positioned as a feudal system that tenancy management was small, by having been very high rent paid by tenant farmers, etc. Therefore, the landowner was governing the tenant. In many papers, it expressed, when the landowner of the Meiji term governed the tenant, and the special feature of the rule has been discussed.
In a series of systemic revision for modernization, The villages in Chugoku Mountains were faced with collapse of community land order. The Kurimoto family grew up to be a large landowner in such a situation. If only the point of having collected lands is seen, it will be exhausted to development of Jinushi landownership, but if the painfulness of the life of village people accompanying demolition of community land order is taken into consideration, the figure of the Kurimoto family in which troubles were suffered in order to continue the life in villages will be in sight.
That is, on condition that a seller tenanted a firm as it is, the Kurimoto family had purchased land. It contributed to maintaining a life of people who became a tenant by that. The relation between Kurimoto family and tenants turned into a relation connected through a contract called a tenancy bond in such a meaning. And on the occasion of advance of demolition of land order, “paternalism" had to be taken to the friend of the once community as a sponsor of an area again. That had appeared well in the rent paid by a tenant farmer which the Kurimoto family imposed.