11 号
2018-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1882-8701
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科人文学プログラム総合人間学分野
Researches into adverbs of degree
劉 傑
PP. 1 - 21
Investigation of passive misuse of sentences by type in Chinese speaker Japanese learners' learning history
史 兆紅
PP. 22 - 49
Investigation of folktale compilation and type classification research between China and Japan
唐 植君
PP. 50 - 68
Kitayama's guqin music in Wakamurasaki of The Tale of Genji: A fundamental aspect of the classic Chinese quotation "山の鳥もおどろかしはべらむ (the mountain birds may be surprised)"
竺 銀児
PP. 69 - 92
The world of The Great Mirror: Yotsugi's narration
李 莘梓
PP. 93 - 112
Concord between five ethnic groups in Nobuo Yishimori's The Wind of Mongolia
郭 璇
PP. 113 - 125
On the Chinese translation of Mishima's literature and its acceptance
張 貴生
PP. 126 - 140
Acceptance of the tea books of the Ming-Qing dynasties in the sencha tea books of the Edo dynasty
李 文郁
PP. 141 - 157
Acceptance of The Legend of the White Snake in Japanese films: Theme and characters
劉 慧
PP. 158 - 177
Chinese Literature in The Wild Goose
王 憶氷
PP. 178 - 189
Impacts on consumer behavior according to culture
朱 褘楠
PP. 190 - 205
Introducing the petition against the opening of Mokpo
徳間 一芽
PP. 206 - 217
Changes in disaster memory following natural disasters in China
駱 媛
PP. 218 - 225