2019-03-20 発行

「甘え」の倫理学的意義 : 和辻哲郎を通して

Ethical significance of “Amae” in Tetsuro Watsuji’s ethics
黄 萍
997 KB
In this paper, Watsuji’s theoretical conception of the ethics of Japanese interpersonal relationships using the notion of “Aidagara” was adopted to consider the ethical significance of Japanese relations theory. In contrast with Western conceptions of “individual-society”, “mind-body”, “person-nature”, “self-others”, Watsuji proposes that these phenomena are positioned within a unified linkage of subjects. Thus, the ethical significance of mutual human beings, based on the circumstances of joint emotional states and understanding through consciousness and concrete facts triggered by something happened around us, was found, and the “action linkage”, which is an interdependent relationship, is regarded as a feature of Japanese relations theory. Based on these perspectives, it can be understood that the relationship of “Amae” also lies within an interdependent relationship, rather than a parallel relationship. For the relationship of “Amae” to exist, both the “Amaeru side” and the “Amaesaseru side” are necessary. Both related sides are necessary, and the two sides are involved in an interdependent relationship. The relationship of “Amae”, like Watsuji’s interpersonal relationships, is not simply a parallel relationship between individuals, but also between a number of individuals as a part of the whole. Individuals have diverse relationships with other individuals, as an “Aidagara” that cannot be separated from individuals, and is indispensable for the formation of individual identities.