廣島大學地學研究報告 12 号
1963-03-30 発行

Metamorphism on Wall Rocks of Some Bedded Cupriferous Pyritic Ore Deposits in the Sambagawa Metamorphic Zone

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Those of the Shirataki and Sekizen mines situating near the Besshi mine in Central Shikoku are reasonably grouped into the bedded cupriferous pyritic ore deposit. The geological setting involved within the region of the Sambagawa crystalline schist consists mainly of the spotted epidote-hornblende schist and the spotted black schist accompanied with the spotted quartz schist together with the spotted sandy schist, all of which are probably corresponding to the epidote amphibolite facies in grade of metamorphism. Alteration of the related wall rocks has hitherto been believed to take place at the stage of ore formation nearly subsequent to completion of the regional metamorphism but is now, on the basis of fabric and chemical analyses, rather considered to have been related intimately to the regional metamorphism of its own.