中國古典文學研究 13 号
2016-03-30 発行

其争也君子 : 论孔子的"武德"观

杨 传召
1.48 MB
Under the influence of binary “Wen-Wu” thought, we often pay attention to the “Wen” of Confucius’ thought, but ignore the “Wu” of Confucianism. Historical documents show that Confucius was very familiar with the contents of “Wu”. Confucius inherited and developed Li-yue ideology from the Western Zhou Dynasty. The ideas of “culture prior to violence” and “wisdom, courage, and humanity as the core spirit”, are the most important “Wu de” virtues of, pre-Qin Confucianism. Having ignored the traditional culture for a long time, people in contemporary mainland China need to recognize the importance of “Wu de” virtue.