広島大学総合博物館研究報告 8 号
2016-12-25 発行

Field experiments on chironomid phototaxis at the shore of Lake Kojima, Japan

Kawai Koichiro
Watanabe Taiga
388 KB
Phototaxis in response to a variety of lamps, including white and colored fluorescent and LED lamps, was compared by species and sex among the chironomids, from Lake Kojima, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Males were usually much more attracted to lights than were females. Pantanal white attracted the highest number of species among six white lamps. Among five colored lamps, Blue attracted the highest number and Black the lowest number. Among 5 LED lamps, Blue again attracted the highest number and Amber the lowest number. In terms of the number of individuals attracted, Pantanal white was the highest among white lamps for the seven major species. Green and Blue were the highest for the six and seven major species, respectively, and Yellow and Red did not attract the highest number of individuals of any species among colored lamps. Green LED was the highest among LEDs for the seven major species while Amber and Red LEDs were not the highest for any species.
mass emergence
Copyright (c) 2016 広島大学総合博物館 Hiroshima University Museum