CICE叢書5 Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development : Final Report of the Phase II Research Results : (3) Teacher Professional Development 5 巻 3 号
2013-03 発行

Investigating Teachers' Professional Identity and Development in Malaysia Preliminary Findings

Jamil Hazri
Petras Yusof
Mohamed Abdul Rashid
261 KB
As the correlation between teacher professional development (TPD) and student achievements has gained evidence in both the scientifi c and political discourse, issues related to TPD have become a crucial component of nearly every national education policy. It has been widely acknowledged that teachers are not only one of the numerous 'variables' that need to be changed in order to improve the educational system but are also the most significant agents in this reform. The experiences and ideas of educators about their career, working conditions, prestige and achievements have a great impact on their actions and on the quality and effectiveness of their teaching. The current study is aimed at obtaining evidence about the identity of Malaysian teachers, and their narratives about their school, teaching and the policy and practice of TPD.
teacher professional identity
teacher professional development
Malaysian education system
Copyright (c) 2013 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター