比較論理学研究 Issue 21
published_at 2024-03-25

インド古典文化における「感情」研究の最新動向 : Maria Heim, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Roy Tzohar eds. 2021. The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Emotions in Classical Indian Philosophy, London: Bloomsbury Academic 書評論文

Recent Research on “Emotion” in Classical Indian Literature: A Review of Maria Heim, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Roy Tzohar eds. 2021. The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Emotions in Classical Indian Philosophy, London: Bloomsbury Academic
TSUJI Haruki
478 KB
The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Emotions in Classical Indian Philosophy (2021), edited by Maria Heim, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, and Roy Tzohar and published by Bloomsbury Academic comprises thirteen cutting-edge essays on “emotion” in Classical Indian literature. While most studies on “emotion” have only focused onWestern sources so far, the contributors of this volume offer alternative perspectives on the issue by delving into both the soteriological and literary aspects of Indian classics. This book demonstrates the utility of philological methods in Indology for studies on “emotion,” exemplifying the procedures for comparing Western concepts with their Indian counterparts.
This study provides a brief overview of these essays, highlighting points for further examination. Specifically, the discourse on the rasa theory will be enriched by incorporating additional references. In doing so, this review aims to clarify how the philological approach to Indology can contribute to interdisciplinary research on “emotion.”