アジア社会文化研究 25 号
2024-03-31 発行


A Study on Zhang Bojun's thoughts, activities and the criticisms he got from 1956 to 1957
李 顧聡
554 KB
Zhang Bojun was the NO.1 in the "bourgeois rightists" who got criticized during the "Anti-Rightist Campaign",which is launched by the CCP in 1957. Even to this day, he has not been posthumously rehabilitated. The reason why he was singled out as the NO.1 "rightist" can be attributed to his high-status position in the "rightists". In 1957, Zhang had many titles ,including Vice chairperson of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, First Vice Chairperson of the China Democratic League, and the president of Guangming Daily. Especially, the China Democratic League and the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party are the minor parties alongside the CCP in China. Which means Zhang served as a leader in both of these parties .And Guangming Daily was one of the few media outlets that were not controlled by the CCP at the time. It also played a big role during the period of speech's liberalization, which is known as the "Hundred Flowers Campaign".
This article aims to examine Zhang Bojun's speeches and activities, analyze the criticism against him, and prove that labeling his thoughts as "anti-socialist" is not accurate.