8 号
2007-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1346-1567
発行元 : アジア社会文化研究会
The Endless Involvement of the Hybrid Culture in MADAME CHENG by Shoji Souichi <Articles>
王 暁芸
PP. 39 - 66
Nakashima Atsushi and Korea <Articles>
李 月順
PP. 67 - 83
A Study on Historical Perceptions of Cultural Heritages in Taiwan <Articles>
上水流 久彦
PP. 84 - 109
From Ethnic Inhabitation Region to Metropolis : Focus on the Immigration of Korean Chinese to the Capital Area <Notes on Research>
金 成子
PP. 110 - 126
Over "Influence of 'Manchurian Incident' upon the northeastern education in China" written by OMORI Naoki and the related materials <Reports of Source Materials>
周 軍
PP. 127 - 135
TOSA Masaki and AOYAGI Hiroshi (eds.), Fantasizing Asia Popular Culture Crosses Borders <Book Reviews>
大久保 豊
PP. 136 - 141