9 号
2008-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1346-1567
発行元 : アジア社会文化研究会
A Study on Family Tomb and Roots in Contemporary Okinawa <Articles>
越智 郁乃
PP. 1 - 28
PP. 29 - 48
Common Language Education in China <Articles>
三野 園子
PP. 49 - 75
Afghanistan Politics and the Changing Principles of National Unity <Articles>
古川 直樹
PP. 77 - 113
A Study of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi's Influence on Japanese and Vietnamese Novels <Reports of Source Materials>
陳 炳崑
PP. 115 - 126
Yasuhiro Matsuda, The Birth of One-Party Dictatorship in Taiwan <Book Reviews>
川原 絵梨奈
PP. 127 - 132
Duan Rui Cong, Jiang Jieshi and New Life Movement <Book Reviews>
PP. 133 - 136