アジア社会文化研究 20 号
2019-03-31 発行

長衫から旗袍へ : 1940年代の台湾文学におけるチャイナドレスの表象

From Dngsa to Qipao: Representation of Mandarin Gowns in Taiwanese Literature in the 1940s
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The acceptance of Mandarin gowns in Taiwan before World War II was explored in their representation in the literary works of the 1940s. Previous research shows that Mandarin gowns were converted into a symbol of ethnic identification because of the influence of Japanese colonial rule. However, other representations were found in the literature analysis. Mandarin gowns before World War II were called dngsa, and were considered a spectacular luxury item. After World War II, Mandarin gowns were called qipao and became symbolic clothes worn by Mainland Chinese newcomers near the end of the Chinese Civil War. Therefore, the continuity of Mandarin gowns from the Qing Dynasty should be considered when tracing the historical development of Mandarin gowns in Taiwan. At the same time, the political manipulation that caused such transformation and the sensibility of the writers who were puzzled by the change but gave unique meaning cannot be overlooked.