Eiraku Shark Homitriakis japanica, which inhabits commonly on the bottom of the East. China Sea, was often landed in Imabari Fish Market, Ehime Prefecture, the central Seto Inland Sea of Japan. This report is the second record that this species was caught in the Seto Inland Sea, following the first record (Yokogawa and Yamaguchi, 1997). The specimens of this species were caught concentrically between June and November for three years. 29 males and 17 females were collected. Total length was 440~993 mm in male and 424~773 mm in female, respectively, and the most of specimens were guessed to be 1-4 years old, and not sexual mature. The total length-weight relationships was BW = 9 X 10-6 TL2.849 r = 0.980 for male and BW = 5 X 10-5 TL2.595 r = 0.967 for female respectively, a tendency that male was a little heavier than female was showed. This species had laterally wide mouth like an arch and their teeth were classified "clutching+cutting type", and fed cephalopods and teleosts as important prey items with them.