Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University
Volume 33
Issue 2
Date of Issue:1994-12
current number
ISSN : 1341-691X
Publisher : Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University
Induction of Gynogenetic Diploids in Ocellated Puffer Takifugu rubripes by Cold and Heat Treatments
Kakimoto Yoshihisa Aida Satoshi Arai Katsutoshi Suzuki Ryo
PP. 103 - 112
Production of Gynogenetic Diploids by Temperature and Pressure Treatments and Sex Reversal by Immersion in Methyltestosterone in Marbled Sole Limanda yokohamae
Kakimoto Yoshihisa Aida Satoshi Arai Katsutoshi Suzuki Ryo
PP. 113 - 124
Mustafa Md. Ghulam Takeda Taka-aki Umino Tetsuya Wakamatsu Shigeru Nakagawa Heisuke
PP. 125 - 132
Convenient Equations of Physical Properties regarding Temperature of Water, Steam and Air
Kubota Kiyoshi Hagura Yoshio
PP. 133 - 142
Convenient Equations of Physical Properties regarding Humidity Chart
Kubota Kiyoshi Hagura Yoshio
PP. 143 - 149
Food Preference of the Polychaete Halla okudai.
Saito Hidetoshi Imabayashi Hiromichi
PP. 151 - 157
Yukihira Hideki Shibuno Takuro Hashimoto Hiroaki Gushima Kenji
PP. 159 - 166
Foraging ecology of the reef fish Dampieria cyclophthalma (Pisces: Psuedochromidae) at Kuchierabu Island
Gushima Kenji Shibuno Takuro Hashimoto Hiroaki
PP. 167 - 172