33 巻
2 号
1994-12 発行
ISSN : 1341-691X
発行元 : 広島大学生物生産学部
Induction of Gynogenetic Diploids in Ocellated Puffer Takifugu rubripes by Cold and Heat Treatments
柿本 芳久 相田 聡 荒井 克俊 鈴木 亮
PP. 103 - 112
Production of Gynogenetic Diploids by Temperature and Pressure Treatments and Sex Reversal by Immersion in Methyltestosterone in Marbled Sole Limanda yokohamae
柿本 芳久 相田 聡 荒井 克俊 鈴木 亮
PP. 113 - 124
Mustafa Md. Ghulam Takeda Taka-aki Umino Tetsuya Wakamatsu Shigeru Nakagawa Heisuke
PP. 125 - 132
Convenient Equations of Physical Properties regarding Temperature of Water, Steam and Air
久保田 清 羽倉 義雄
PP. 133 - 142
Convenient Equations of Physical Properties regarding Humidity Chart
久保田 清 羽倉 義雄
PP. 143 - 149
Food Preference of the Polychaete Halla okudai.
斉藤 英俊 今林 博道
PP. 151 - 157
Yukihira Hideki Shibuno Takuro Hashimoto Hiroaki Gushima Kenji
PP. 159 - 166
Foraging ecology of the reef fish Dampieria cyclophthalma (Pisces: Psuedochromidae) at Kuchierabu Island
具島 健二 渋野 拓郎 橋本 博明
PP. 167 - 172