広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究 9 巻
1992-02-29 発行


A study of the technical skills of 180 degrees changing direction on the water polo games
入澤 雅典
榎本 至
209 KB
水球競技における1対1攻防時の防御技術としての180度方向変換技術について4名の男子水球選手(年齢19~21歳)を対象に16mm映像の分析を行い, 以下の結果を得た。

(1) 仰臥姿勢での後方推進局面においては, 熟練者ほど上体が垂直に近く立った状態で, 膝が上体に近く引きつけられている姿勢であった。

(2) 方向転換局面においては, 熟練者において, 腰を中心とした上体および下体のひねり動作を伴う技術がみられた。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the technical skills at 180 degrees changing direction for defence technique on man-to-man offense and defence at the water polo games, and to provide information to clarify the coaching program of the foot-workes.

1) In phase of the turn up back stroke, we found that the trained player has more standing body position,and the appearance that knee is drawn his body than un-trained players.

2) In phase of the changing direction, we found that the trained player has technique with twisting action at the upper and lower part of the body centered on his waist.
Copyright (c) 1991 by Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. All rights reserved.