広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究 7 巻
1990-02-28 発行


Effect of swimming training on physical fitness in university students
小村 堯
221 KB
水泳トレーニングが有酸素性作業能に及ぼす影響について検討するためには, 大学生男子水泳部員を対象に自転車エルゴメーターで漸増負荷法により, 最大換気量(V̇E), 最大心拍数(HRmax), 最大酸素摂取量(V̇O2max), 体重当たり最大酸素摂取量(V̇O2max/w)を測定し, 以下の様な結果を得た。

1) 各学年間における身長, 体重, 胸囲, BMIなど, 形態面には顕著な差異は認められなかった。

2) 最大換気量は, 1年で72.0l/min, 2年83.1l/min, 3年92.9l/min, 4年81.0l/min, で3年が顕著に高値を示した。

3) 最大酸素摂取量および体重当たり最大酸素摂取量は, 1年2.44l/min, 40.0ml/kg/min, 2年2.72l/min, 41.3ml/kg/min, 3年3.19l/min, 51.2ml/kg/min, 4年で2.69l/min, 41.7ml/kg/minであり, 何れも3年で最も高い値が認められた。なお, これらの値を日本のトップレベルにある水泳選手と比較すると, かなり低い値であった。

4) exhaustion timeは, 1年に比べ3年がやや長かった。

5) exhaustion以後の回復過程を心拍数について検討した結果, 1, 3年とも回復の経過は, ほぼ同様の傾向を取ってはいるが, 1年が3年よりも高い心拍数で推移した。
The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of swimming training on aerobic working capacity in male university students.

We measured the maximal minute ventilation, maximal heart rate, maximal oxygen uptake and so on during an incremental work exercise.

The following results were obtaind.

1) As to the physical statue of subjects, that is body height, weight, chest girth and BMI, there were no any remarkable differences between grades of subjects.

2) The mean values of maximal minute ventilation of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade subjects were 72.0, 83.1, 92.9, 81.0 (l/min), respectively.

The students in 3rd grade had the highest ventilation capacity.

3) The men values of maximal oxygen uptake of 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th grade students were 2.44 l/min (40.0 ml/kg/min), 2.72 l/min (41.3 ml/kg/min), 3.19 l/min (51.2 ml/kg/min), 2.69 l/min (41.7 ml/kg/min), respectively.

The students in 3rd grade had the highest oxygen uptake.

The subjects in this study had a remarkably lower maximal oxygen uptake than japanese top swimmers.

4) The 3rd grade students had a little longer exhaustion time than the 1st grade students.

5) The 1st grade students had the same pattern of time course and higher value of heart rate during recovery phase as compared with the 3rd grade students.
Copyright (c) 1989 by Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. All rights reserved.