広島大学文学部紀要 32 巻 1 号
1973-01-20 発行

高野山西南院蔵和泉往来の漢字の用法について : 高山寺本古往来と比較して

On the Usage of Chinese Characters in Kasen-Ōrai : in comparison with that of Kōzanjibon-Ko-Ōrai
来田 隆
826 KB
Comparing the usage of Chinese characters in Kasen-Ōrai, the Japanized Chinese written in the twelfth century, with that of Kōzanjibon-Ko-Ōrai composed in almost the same period, I caught the following results:

1) It is a general principle that we inscribe one Japanese word by the characters of the stereotyped kind.

2) Even when we inscribe one Japanese word by more than two kinds of Chinese characters, both the kind and inscription are stationary.