Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 2
Issue 40
Date of Issue:1992-03-30
current number
ISSN : 0440-8713
Publisher : Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University
A Study on a Essence of a Legend of the Linguistic Atlas
Ebata Yoshio
PP. 11 - 18
The Turning Points in the Career of a Schoolmaster as Seen in The Browning Version
Nakamura Yoshito
PP. 69 - 75
Teaching and Learning "Estimation" in USA Mathematics Education : The Present State of Affairs and Fundamental Conception
PP. 87 - 94
Contextual Interference Effects in Measuring Acquisition, Retention and Transfer of a Motor Task.
PP. 141 - 147
Validity of Ratings of Perceived Exertion as Indices of Exercise Intensity during Swimming Lessons of Elmentary School Children.
Ueda Takeshi Kurokawa Takashi Ishikawa Hiroko
PP. 163 - 168
Potential Developments of "Kishitsu-no-sei" : a view on Dazai Shundai
PP. 261 - 268