319 号
2024-09-30 発行
ISSN : 0386-9342
発行元 : 広島史学研究会
Compiling Sengoku Gunki (戦国軍記) in Hagi-han (萩藩), the early 17th Century
山﨑 一郎
PP. 1 - 25
Comparative Study of the Age and Historical Restoration of the Gyokuden (Inner Sanctuary) of Miyayama-hachiman Shrine in Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
山田 岳晴 川野 綾子 水田 丞
PP. 26 - 46
The Role of Daiganji during the Ouchi Clan’s Rule over Itsukushima
大知 徳子
PP. 47 - 73
Zhang Bojun as a Leftist: the Transformation of Zhang Bojun’s Perspective on Democracy before 1949
李 顧聡
PP. 74 - 99
PP. 100 - 108