史学研究 Issue 317
published_at 2024-02-28

国民党上海市党部宣伝部の組織編成 : 南京国民政府初期を対象として

Organizational structure of the propaganda department of the Shanghai Municipal Party of the Kuomintang Party: Focusing on the early years of the Nanjing Nationalist Government
1.07 MB
available 2026-02-28
The Nanjing Nationalist Government was established on April 18, 1927, and in 1928 the Kuomintang achieved national unification through the Northern Expedition and declared the start of the period of political tutelage. During this process, the Kuomintang sought to strengthen its organizational cohesion and sought to penetrate its influence to the base of society, but placed particular emphasis on the role of the propaganda department. The Kuomintang Central Propaganda Department at the time seems to have been responsible for various aspects such as external propaganda and strengthening the party’s internal governance. For the Kuomintang government, Shanghai, which was the center of China’s economy and political discourse, was a city that had to be emphasized, and compared to other cities, there are many unique characteristics of Shanghai. In this paper, I would like to examine the position of the Shanghai Municipal Party’s Propaganda Department in the Kuomintang organizational system, and then clarify its organizational structure, the functions of each department and mechanism, and the general direction of its activities.