史学研究 Issue 301
published_at 2018-10-12

主教と君主のためのウィリスの戦い : ハワイ王国転覆の宗教的文脈に関する一考察

Willis’ Battle for the Bishop and Monarch: A Religious Context of the Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i
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On October 28, 1890, the Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i issued a writ of mandamus against Alfred Willis, Bishop of the Anglican Church in Hawai‘i. Behind the incident lay a series of controversies, dating from the 1880’s, between the “Anglo-Catholic” bishop and the “evangelicals” in and out of the church. The present paper attempts to shed light on the issues, the makeup of the parties, and the political aspect of these religious controversies, and to demonstrate how they foreshadowed the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i in 1893.