It is the orthodox theory, now, that the Landowner System in modern history of Japan is devided into three area types—Kinki Area Type. Tohoku Area Type, Sericulture Area Type. Speeking of Sericulture Area Type, it is conceptualized with the theory that the sericulture was the subsidiary-occupation. But, in this paper, I insisted it is the concept of only the mainoccupational area.
And, thereupon, I analyzed the Landowner System in Yumigahama Area, Saihaku(西伯) County, Tottori Prefecture, where a big landowner, the Shoji, is situated. As a result I examined the characteristics of a newly-developing sericulture area through the reaction to the convertion of agricultual structure by the Shoji and "Kyuhinbu Zinushi-kai",(弓浜部地主会) and those of a mainoccupational sericulture area. For instance, the considerable reduction of tenant rent in the prosperity brought about by World War I, the formation of the idea of "C+V" by tenant farmers, the collapse of management under Showa(昭和) Panic etc.