広島大学教育学部紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 49
published_at 2001-02-28

市町村教育長の職務特性 : 前職から見た教育長の特質に着目して

The study of Job Characteristics of Municipal Superintendents of Schools : Focusing on the Differences between the Superintendents' Job and Their Former Occupations
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This paper aims to clarify how municipal superintendents of schools recognize the differences between their superintendency and their former occupation (teaching profession and public administration). This enables us to get a glimpse of the characteristics of superintendency. As a result of this analysis, the main points clarified are as follows: 1) superintendents are required to have political and negotiating abilities to cope with municipal heads, assemblymen, community people, and regional groups. Interpersonal relationship skills, vision-setting ability, and educational guidance competency are also required. 2) Moreover, superintendency is characterized by the very wide job scope, the overweighted burden of job responsibility, busyness and a busy office, and the necessity for sound judgements from a wide field of vision.
Superintendents of Schools
vision-setting abilities
political and negotiating abilities