中央教育審議会と高等教育改革 : 「四六答申」の検討

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タイトル ( jpn )
中央教育審議会と高等教育改革 : 「四六答申」の検討
タイトル ( eng )
The Central Council for Education and Higher Education Reform in Japan: A Study of the 1971 Report
戸村 理
Reviews in higher education
[NCID] AN10185602
The prewar Japanese higher education system was closed and exclusive. At the center of this system was the former imperial universities supported by the government, while private universities were not permitted. However, postwar higher education reforms dismantled this closed and exclusive higher education system. Every prefecture now has a national university. In addition, the strict government control that existed in the prewar period has been removed, allowing a large number of private universities to be established. All universities became coeducational, and women's colleges were newly established. Curricula were also changed from specialized courses, and general education was introduced from the U.S. higher education system.
In the 1950s, however, problems began to occur frequently in universities. In 1963, the Central Council for Education under the Ministry of Education issued a report aimed at improving university education. However, these problems did not improve and became more serious. Therefore, in 1967, 20 years after the postwar higher education reforms, the Ministry of Education asked the Central Council for Education to study the issue with the aim of improving the entire school education system in Japan, both systematically and in terms of content.
This book summarizes the deliberative process of the Central Council for Education's 1971 report (commonly known in Japan as the "46-year Report"), with particular focus on its deliberations on universities and higher education. Research on higher education policy in the 1960s and 1970s is insufficient in the study of the history of higher education in Japan. Currently, primary sources are becoming more widely available. In order to examine contemporary higher education reform from a historical perspective, it is extremely important to conduct research on higher education policy in the 1960s and 1970s. As a first step toward this goal, this book aims to provide an overview of higher education policies and their historical documents of the period.
1.はじめに… 1
2.「46 答申」の審議経過… 4
2.1 全体概要… 4
2.2 第1段階… 8
(1)審議開始:諮問と各特委の設置… 8
(2)準備期:「調査審議事項」及び「審議資料作成要領」の策定… 10
(3)第Ⅰ期・第Ⅱ期:「調査審議事項」の検討・審議①… 11
(4)第Ⅲ期・第Ⅳ期:「調査審議事項」の検討・審議②と中間報告… 13
2.3 第2段階… 15
(1)第Ⅰ期:「大学制度の改善に関する基本構想の中心課題」の検討・審議… 15
(2)第Ⅱ期:課題A〜D の討議及び「試案」の検討・審議… 17
(3)第Ⅲ期:目的別専門委員会での検討・審議… 23
(4)第Ⅳ期:関係諸団体・各種審議会・官公庁からの意見聴取及び公聴会の実施と「基本構想」の中間報告… 24
2.4 第3段階… 25
(1)第27 特別委員会… 25
(2)課題別専門部会… 28
(3)予測計量部会… 29
3.資料編… 37
3.1 総会・各特別委員会等開催日一覧… 37
3.2 総会・各特別委員会議題一覧… 40
3.3 総会・第26 特別委員会に関する資料一覧…52
3.4 主要資料… 62
3.5 中央教育審議会及び各特別委員会名簿… 113
資源タイプ 図書
Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University
発行日 2023-03-31
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISBN] 978-4-86637-043-9