Advanced reproducing kernel meshfree modeling of cracked curved shells for mixed-mode stress resultant intensity factors
Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 233
Page 107012-
published_at 2020-05-04
アクセス数 : 37 件
ダウンロード数 : 18 件
今月のアクセス数 : 10 件
今月のダウンロード数 : 4 件
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Title ( eng ) |
Advanced reproducing kernel meshfree modeling of cracked curved shells for mixed-mode stress resultant intensity factors
Creator |
Dai Ming-Jyun
Sadamoto Shota
Yu Tiantang
Bui Tinh Quoc
Source Title |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Volume | 233 |
Start Page | 107012 |
Abstract |
A meshfree approach for analyzing the fracture mechanics parameters in cracked curved shells is presented. The reproducing kernel (RK) meshfree method and mapping technique are employed to approximate cracked curvilinear surfaces and field variables. In order to model the crack segment, the meshfree discretization techniques are used. The stabilized conforming nodal integration (SCNI) and sub-domain stabilized conforming integration (SSCI) techniques are adopted to accurately integrate the stiffness matrix. The contour integral is chosen to evaluate the fracture mechanics parameters and discretized using the RKs and SSCI. The J-integral value is separated into symmetric and asymmetric components using the decomposition method to extract the mode-I and -II stress resultant intensity factors (SRIFs). The numerical results reveal that the accurate J-integral value and mixed-mode SRIFs of cracked curved shells can be effectively evaluated using the proposed formulation and discretization. The simplified fatigue crack propagation is also presented.
Keywords |
Curved shell
Meshfree method
Convected coordinate system
Stress intensity factors
Descriptions |
The first author (Ming-Jyun Dai) would like to express his appreciation for the financial support received from the Fundamental Research Developing Association for Shipbuilding and Offshore (REDAS). This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11972146), whose financial support is gratefully acknowledged.
Language |
Resource Type | journal article |
Publisher |
Date of Issued | 2020-05-04 |
Rights |
© 2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
Publish Type | Accepted Manuscript |
Access Rights | open access |
Source Identifier |