シトゥ『三十頌註』研究 : 格助詞・累加副助詞・接続助詞・選択詞

比較論理学研究 Issue 21 Page 135-190 published_at 2024-03-25
アクセス数 : 134
ダウンロード数 : 65

今月のアクセス数 : 0
今月のダウンロード数 : 0
Title ( jpn )
シトゥ『三十頌註』研究 : 格助詞・累加副助詞・接続助詞・選択詞
Title ( eng )
Si tu’s Commentary on the Sum cu pa: Case-related Particles, Adjunctive-adversative Conjunctions, Adjunctive-explicative Conjunctions, Disjunctive-and-interrogative Conjunctions
Source Title
The Annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic
Issue 21
Start Page 135
End Page 190
Number of Pages 56
Journal Identifire
[PISSN] 1880-6376
[NCID] AA12025285
The current study, following our previous paper, seeks to clarify the Tibetans’ comprehension of the Tibetan script and language, with a specific focus on the perspective of Si tu chos kyi ’byung gnas. This paper explores the theory of particles (tshig phrad) expounded in verses 9c–17a of Thu mi’s Sum cu pa. These particles encompass the la particles, genitive markers, ergative-instrumental markers, adjunctive-adversative particles (kyang, etc.), adjunctive-explicative particles (ste, etc.), disjunctive-andinterrogative conjunctions (gam, etc.), and ablative case markers.
Si tu was undeniably an innovative grammarian. His profound knowledge of Sanskrit grammar led him to formulate a unique system of Tibetan grammar, characterized not as descriptive but as normative grammar. Nevertheless, previous studies have not adequately examined Si tu’s originality as a commentator in interpreting individual verses in the Sum cu pa. This paper takes a closer look at verses 9c–11 of the Sum cu pa, revealing Si tu’s critical analysis and new interpretations, particularly based on his critique of Rnam gling pan. chen’s ideas.
As a result of our investigation, it becomes evident that Si tu’s new interpretations excel in many respects compared to previous ones. He was fully aware of problems in earlier interpretations, and concurrently, he strongly believed that the Sum cu pa was written in accordance with the scholar’s method of composition (mkhas pa’i bstan bcos kyi lugs). Ensuring that Thu mi’s statements in the Sum cu pa make sense and providing a rational interpretation are crucial principles in Si tu’s commentary.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic, Hiroshima University
Date of Issued 2024-03-25
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access