The reliability and utility of on-site CT-derived fractional flow reserve (FFR) based on fluid structure interactions: comparison with FFRCT based on computational fluid dynamics, invasive FFR, and resting full-cycle ratio

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Title ( eng )
The reliability and utility of on-site CT-derived fractional flow reserve (FFR) based on fluid structure interactions: comparison with FFRCT based on computational fluid dynamics, invasive FFR, and resting full-cycle ratio
Title ( jpn )
流体構造連成解析に基づくCT由来の冠血流予備量比の信頼性と有用性 : 数値流体力学に基づくCT冠血流予備量比、侵襲的冠血流予備量比、安静時フルサイクル比との比較
Fujii Yuto
Resource Type doctoral thesis
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Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
Heart Vessels 38, 1095–1107 (2023).
Dissertation Number 甲第9275号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 2023-05-25
Degree Grantors
Hiroshima University
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