漆容器としての須恵器 : 東広島市新建遺跡採集資料の報告

広島大学埋蔵文化財調査研究紀要 Issue 14 Page 45-48 published_at 2023-03-31
アクセス数 : 130
ダウンロード数 : 84

今月のアクセス数 : 7
今月のダウンロード数 : 1
HU-MuseumARS-BES_14_45.pdf 1.19 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
漆容器としての須恵器 : 東広島市新建遺跡採集資料の報告
Title ( eng )
Sue ware filled with lacquer found at the Shindate site, Higashihiroshima, Japan
Source Title
Hiroshima University Museum Archaeological Research Section Bulletin for Excavation and Study
Issue 14
Start Page 45
End Page 48
Number of Pages 4
Journal Identifire
[NCID] AA12391501
The shindate site is located at the eastern edge of the Saijo basin. Sue ware, haji ware, and some other pottery shards from later periods are collected at this site in 1994. It is notable that this collection contains hasō, a type of sue ware, filled with black material. Analyzed by Fujine et al. (this volume), it is revealed that the material is lacquer. This pottery belongs to the beginning of the 7th century, which is supported by the 14C dating. There are some Late Kofun sites that are engaged in the sue ware production and metallurgy, such as the Yamanakaike minami (2) and the Maechōja. Lacquer production and craft may be understood within the context of the trend of craft production in this period.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Hiroshima University Museum Archaeological Research Section
Date of Issued 2023-03-31
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access