書評:矢崎長潤『チャンドラゴーミン研究序説—仏教徒の見たサンスク リット文法学』(法藏館、2022年)

比較論理学研究 Issue 20 Page 51-62 published_at 2023-03-25
アクセス数 : 223
ダウンロード数 : 115

今月のアクセス数 : 8
今月のダウンロード数 : 2
Title ( jpn )
書評:矢崎長潤『チャンドラゴーミン研究序説—仏教徒の見たサンスク リット文法学』(法藏館、2022年)
Title ( eng )
Review: Chōzyun Yazaki, A Study of the Sanskrit Grammar Formulated by Candragomin, Hōzōkan, 2022
Source Title
The Annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic
Issue 20
Start Page 51
End Page 62
Number of Pages 12
Journal Identifire
[PISSN] 1880-6376
[NCID] AA12025285
The present paper is a review of A Study of the Sanskrit Grammar Formulated by Candragomin (『チャンドラゴーミン研究序説—仏教徒の見たサンスクリット文法学』), published by Chōjun Yazaki in 2022. This book is written in Japanese.
The grammar of Candragomin (ca. 5th c. CE) has been the subject of a number of studies abroad, and with the use of new material, the study of this grammar has taken a new turn. In Japan, this grammar has been hidden in the shadow of Pāṇinian grammar, the mainstream of the Indian grammatical tradition, and has not received sufficient attention. The book under review is the first endeavor in our country to delve into this grammar of Candragomin’s, making use of fresh material, Cāndravyākaraṇapañjikā, composed by Ratnamati (a Buddhist monk of about the 10th century).
In the introductory part Yazaki sketches the outlines of Candragomin’s grammar together with other non-Pāṇinian grammatical systems and overviews its research history; and in the following sections he provides new findings based on adequate evidence.
Although the translations of the Sanskrit texts cited in the book are not without flaws, the points made in each chapter are for the most part valid. Overall, this is a great achievement that contributes to improving and expanding the research on this grammar in the world. It opens a new chapter for the study of the Indian grammatical tradition and as such deserves due scholarly attention.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic, Hiroshima University
Date of Issued 2023-03-25
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access