非行少年の立ち直りと就労との関係 : 保護司の視点から

広島大学心理学研究 Issue 22 Page 13-28 published_at 2023-03-31
アクセス数 : 557
ダウンロード数 : 489

今月のアクセス数 : 10
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
HPR_22_13.pdf 630 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
非行少年の立ち直りと就労との関係 : 保護司の視点から
Title ( eng )
Relationship between the recovery and employment of juvenile delinquents: from the perspectives of volunteer probation officers
Fujiwara Miki
Source Title
Hiroshima Psychological Research
Issue 22
Start Page 13
End Page 28
Number of Pages 16
Journal Identifire
[PISSN] 1347-1619
[EISSN] 2759-0968
[NCID] AA11616129
Several studies have been performed on the causes and characteristics of juvenile delinquents. However, since there are only a few studies on “recovery” from juvenile delinquency, the definition of recovery from delinquency differs depending on the study, and it is ambiguous on what basis recovery is judged. Therefore, in this study, we used a questionnaire survey to first examine how volunteer probation officers, who provide support to juvenile delinquents in the scene of rehabilitation, perceive recovery from delinquency. The results revealed that many volunteer probation officers considered employment, lifestyle habits, and human relationships to be indispensable in determining recovery (Study 1). Further, although employment is emphasized in support for recovery from delinquency, few studies have empirically demonstrated the relationship between recovery and employment. Therefore, we conducted an interview survey of volunteer probation officers to clarify the process by which juvenile delinquents work and continue employment, and we examined the usefulness of employment in recovery and the issues in employment support. Trajectory Equifinality Model analysis results show that employment alone does not lead to recovery and that recovery occurs through a circular process wherein employment stabilizes when work fosters improvements in lifestyle habits and human relationships (Study 2). Therefore, it is suggested that in support for recovery, both support for employment and support for improving lifestyle habits and human relationships are important.
volunteer probation officer
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
Date of Issued 2023-03-31
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access