Mesoporous Microspheres of Nickel-based Layered Hydroxides by Aerosol-Assisted Self-Assembly using Crystalline Nano-Building Blocks.

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 89 巻 216-224 頁 2018-09-15 発行
アクセス数 : 80
ダウンロード数 : 35

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JSolGelSciTech_89_216.pdf 1.68 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( eng )
Mesoporous Microspheres of Nickel-based Layered Hydroxides by Aerosol-Assisted Self-Assembly using Crystalline Nano-Building Blocks.
Tokudome Yasuaki
Jobbágy Matías
Soler-Illia Galo J. A. A.
Takahashi Masahide
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
開始ページ 216
終了ページ 224
Structural control in micro- and nanometer scale is necessary to design highly functional materials. Crystalline mesoporous microspheres are expected to improve electrochemical, catalytic, and adsorption performances. In this study, we focused on the preparation of templated mesoporous microspheres of nickel-based layered hydroxides by using pre-crystallized nano-building blocks (NBBs). Layered nickel hydroxide nanoparticles were prepared through an epoxide-mediated alkalinization process and used as NBBs to construct microspheres. The spherical particles in micrometer scale were synthesized by an aerosol-assisted assembly of the NBBs dispersed in a solvent, in the presence of supramolecular templates. It was found that controlling the crystallization as well as the surface philicity permits to yield the NBB with an adequately small size and interparticle interactions that generate self-assembled mesoporous microspheres akin to those obtained in NBB-based mesoporous thin films. The preparation technique demonstrated here is highly versatile; templated mesoporous microspheres with various chemical compositions of nickel-based layered double hydroxides were successfully obtained.
Crystalline mesoporous microspheres
nano-building blocks
layered nickel hydroxides
layered double hydroxides
epoxide-mediated alkalinization
The present work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI, JSPS bilateral program, LNLS proposal SAXS1 18927, ANPCyT (PICT 2012-2087 and 2015-3526), UBACyT (20020130100610BA), Hitachi Metals Materials Science Foundation, The Sumitomo Foundation, and Izumi Science and Technology Foundation.
資源タイプ 学術雑誌論文
発行日 2018-09-15
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
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アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 1573-4846
[DOI] 10.1007/s10971-018-4810-z