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Articulation of Secondary and Higher Education in France, a mass-education society
細尾 萌子
山村 滋
夏目 達也
田川 千尋
上垣 豊
大津 尚志
生田 清人
Reviews in higher education
[NCID] AN10185602
The purpose of this book is to demonstrate the strengths of, and the challenges associated with, articulation of secondary and higher education in France.
The first section clarifies the merits of the essay format required for each subject in the French baccalaureate exam. As this particular format is the basis of study in higher education, learning about it in secondary education increases the likelihood of success there. However, due to the articulation-related problems associated with secondary and higher education, which have become increasingly complicated in a massified system, some students arrive at university without having acquired the thinking and expressive abilities that are required by the exam. In addition, subjects of technical and vocational lycée do not connect smoothly with the educational programs available at university.
The second section demonstrates the denial of “generic competencies” that appeared within the secondary education debate at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. The competencies taught in today’s schools vary from subject to subject. As can be seen in the cases of history and geography, for instance, the competencies required in school education remain consistent throughout elementary, middle, and high school. At universities, each academic field defines the knowledge and competencies expected to be acquired by applicants while applying to the relevant bachelor courses. The aim is to promote academic success by linking the abilities fostered in secondary education to those needed in higher education.
The third section describes how career-guidance systems at lycées and collaboration initiatives between high schools and universities have been implemented. Influenced by Europe-wide reform, education based on competencies has spread gradually to higher education in France; however, in many cases, the term “competency” is confused with “skill”, and the practice has not taken a stronghold.
As a result of massification using only a university entrance qualification exam system, such as the baccalaureate exam, to guarantee the level and quality of academic ability presents certain limitations. A “grand design” is required to prepare students, both at high schools and universities, for higher education, employment, and citizenship readiness, while considering diversity.
はじめに… 細尾萌子 1
Ⅰ. 大衆教育社会における高大接続の可能性と問題点
第1章 書評会の議論のまとめ
 ―『フランスのバカロレアにみる論述型大学入試に向けた思考力・表現力の育成』―… 細尾萌子 3
第2章 高大接続研究の観点からの論点提起
 ―『フランスのバカロレアにみる論述型大学入試に向けた思考力・表現力の育成』を読む―… 山村滋 9
第3章 論点提起への回答
 ―『フランスのバカロレアにみる論述型大学入試に向けた思考力・表現力の育成』をめぐって―… 細尾萌子・夏目達也・大場淳・田川千尋・三好美織 17
Ⅱ. 中等教育から高等教育にかけて学力をいかに育むか
第4章 「学ぶスキル」と教養
 ―19 世紀-20 世紀転換期のフランスでの中等教育論争再考―… 上垣豊 25
第5章 フランスの学校歴史において育成されるコンピテンシー
 ―高等教育との接続を念頭において―… 大津尚志 39
第6章 フランスにおける学校地理の地図表現指導で育成する思考力と表現力
 ―高大接続の観点から見たしくみと課題―… 生田清人 53
第7章 バカロレア試験で測られる能力をどのように高等教育へ繋ぐか
 ―「分野別期待される力の全国枠組み」の検討から―… 田川千尋 65
Ⅲ. 高大接続改革の影響
第8章 フランスの高等教育進路選択制度改革
 ―高校での進路指導を変えるか―… 細尾萌子 85
第9章 フランスの高等教育拡大政策下での高大接続・高等教育改革
 ―バカロレアの機能と高等教育進学をめぐる葛藤―… 夏目達也 95
第10章 欧州高等教育政策とフランスの大学教育改革
 ―高等教育におけるコンピテンシーの位置づけと概念の検討―… 大場淳 109
おわりに… 細尾萌子 121
本叢書は、科研費19H01635 基盤研究(B)「フランスの論述型大学入試で問われる思考力・判断力・表現力とその育成法の総合的研究」(2019-2021 年度)(研究代表者:細尾萌子)の成果である。
資源タイプ 図書
発行日 2022-03-31
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISBN] 978-4-86637-034-7
[NCID] AN10185602