Regional Characteristics of COVID-19 Infection Trends 2020 in India

アクセス数 : 382
ダウンロード数 : 94

今月のアクセス数 : 24
今月のダウンロード数 : 6
JURSCI_8-1_15.pdf 14.7 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Regional Characteristics of COVID-19 Infection Trends 2020 in India
THAKUR Gajender
Source Title
Journal of Urban and Regional Studies on Contemporary India
Volume 8
Issue 1
Start Page 15
End Page 24
This study reveals the regional characteristics of COVID-19 infection trends in India in 2020 through GIS mapping. Analysis of COVID-19 infection trends by the state and month showed that Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Delhi accounted for the majority of cases until April. In May, the increasing numbers of cases in Gujarat began slowing down, while a large increase was seen in Tamil Nadu; this trend continued in June. In July and August, there was a rapid increase in the number of infections in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, in southern India. In September, the pace of increase in these two states slowed, and the number of new infections throughout India began to decline in October. In contrast, an increase in Kerala, which had not seen many cases until September, became noticeable, and in December it became the state with the highest number of new infections. State-wise trends in COVID-19 infection in India show certain regional characteristics by month, which are also related to infection trends throughout India.
spatial pattern
The contents of this study were presented at the Academic Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers in Autumn 2020, the Academic Meeting of the Japanese Society for Geographical Sciences in Autumn 2020, and the Academic Meeting of the Japanese Society for Geographical Sciences in Spring 2021.
This study is part of a project for the National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU).
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
The Center for Contemporary India Studies, Hiroshima University
Date of Issued 2021-09
(c) 2021 The Center for Contemporary India Studies, Hiroshima University
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 2188-5222