Prognosis of T1 colorectal carcinoma patients after endoscopically non-curable treatment 1) Preceding endoscopic submucosal dissection for T1 colorectal carcinoma does not affect the prognosis of patients who underwent additional surgery: a large multicenter propensity score-matched analysis 2) Long-term prognosis after treatment for T1 carcinoma of laterally spreading tumors: a multicenter retrospective study

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k8198_1.pdf 119 KB 種類 : abstract
k8198_2.pdf 228 KB 種類 : abstract
Title ( eng )
Prognosis of T1 colorectal carcinoma patients after endoscopically non-curable treatment 1) Preceding endoscopic submucosal dissection for T1 colorectal carcinoma does not affect the prognosis of patients who underwent additional surgery: a large multicenter propensity score-matched analysis 2) Long-term prognosis after treatment for T1 carcinoma of laterally spreading tumors: a multicenter retrospective study
Title ( jpn )
内視鏡的非治癒切除となった大腸T1 癌治療後の予後 1)大腸T1 癌に対する先行したESD は追加外科手術後の予後に影響を与えない 2)LST T1 癌治療後の長期予後
Yamashita Ken
内容の要旨, 審査の要旨
Resource Type doctoral thesis
(c) Japanese Society of Gastroenterology 2019
(c) Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
Yamashita, K., Oka, S., Tanaka, S. et al. Preceding endoscopic submucosal dissection for T1 colorectal carcinoma does not affect the prognosis of patients who underwent additional surgery: a large multicenter propensity score-matched analysis. J Gastroenterol 54, 897-906 (2019)
Yamashita, K., Oka, S., Tanaka, S. et al. Long-term prognosis after treatment for T1 carcinoma of laterally spreading tumors: a multicenter retrospective study. Int J Colorectal Dis 34, 481-490 (2019)
Dissertation Number 甲第8198号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 2020-03-23
Degree Grantors
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