
高等教育研究叢書 Volume 148 published_at 2019-03-31
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RIHE148.pdf 2.44 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
Research on Academic Degree Systems in Late-comer Countries
Nanbu Hirotaka
石川 裕之
全 京和
廖 于晴
関口 洋平
渡辺 雅幸
中島 悠介
内田 直義
田村 徳子
楠山 研
Source Title
Reviews in higher education
Volume 148
Journal Identifire
[NCID] AN10185602
Many countries have modeled their higher education system after those of developed countries. Further, due to the effects of globalization, more people are obtaining their academic degrees in foreign countries. Academic degrees are proof of giving and receiving an established degree of higher education, and maintaining confidence in this arrangement is important to both conferring and receiving sides. Furthermore, in the modern global age, people have become more concerned about the international applicability of academic degrees. Countries that copied their higher education system from the other countries can be called late-comer countries. Hypothetically, late-comer countries’ academic degree systems have the following features: (1) in using developed countries as their model, academic degrees have to meet a certain international standard; and (2) from looking at the historic social conditions of each country, higher education has to be adapted to unique needs of its context.
In summary, this book aims to: (1) clarify how late-comer countries, including some East Asian countries, have implemented their academic degree system; and (2) examine the differences in higher education among late-comer countries. This book discusses the academic degree system in South Korea, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Egypt, and Brazil. In addition, it examines in each the: (1) types of degree, (2) conditions for the right to confer degrees, (3) categories of degree conferring institution, (4) degree conferring system and the accreditation process in the degree conferring institution itself, (5) and the recent trends in terms of reforms to higher education.
序章  研究の背景と目的… 南部広孝 1
第1章 韓国における学位制度… 石川裕之・全京和 7
第2章 中国における学位制度… 南部広孝 21
第3章 台湾における学位制度… 廖于晴・南部広孝 33
第4章 ベトナムにおける学位制度… 関口洋平 45
第5章 インドにおける学位制度… 渡辺雅幸 57
第6章 エジプトにおける学位制度… 中島悠介・内田直義 69
第7章 ブラジルにおける学位制度… 田村徳子 83
終章 後発国における学位制度の導入と変容… 楠山研 95
Resource Type book
Date of Issued 2019-03-31
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISBN] 978-4-86637-015-6
[NCID] AN10185602