The Birth of “Aesthetics” in Recent East Asia under the Perspective of Cultural Integration

2015 Autumn Conference of Korean Society for Philosophy East-Wast & 2015 The 5th International Conference of Dept. of Interdisciplinary Program in Studies of Arts BK21 Plus Group Page 165-170 published_at 2015
アクセス数 : 609
ダウンロード数 : 79

今月のアクセス数 : 3
今月のダウンロード数 : 1
2015ACKSPE_5thICDIP.pdf 340 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
The Birth of “Aesthetics” in Recent East Asia under the Perspective of Cultural Integration
Zheng Zilu
Source Title
2015 Autumn Conference of Korean Society for Philosophy East-Wast & 2015 The 5th International Conference of Dept. of Interdisciplinary Program in Studies of Arts BK21 Plus Group
Start Page 165
End Page 170
With the dissemination of western culture among the eastern countries, aesthetics was gradually imported into East Asia. Starting from owning its own translated name to becoming an independent discipline, aesthetics finally grows and prospers in oriental nations.
East Asia
2015 Autumn Conference of Korean Society for Philosophy East-Wast & 2015 The 5th International Conference of Dept. of Interdisciplinary Program in Studies of Arts BK21 Plus Group
Date: Dec 19, 2015
Place: 31604, 31501, 31609, Toegye Hall of Humanities, SungKyunKwan University
The arts. Fine arts [ 700 ]
Resource Type conference paper
Korean Society for Philosophy East-Wast Dept.
Interdisciplinary Program in Studies of Arts. Da vinci Innovative Artist Resources Development Group, BK21 Plus, SungKyunKwan University, KOREA
Date of Issued 2015
Publish Type Author’s Original
Access Rights open access