
高等教育研究叢書 Volume 140 published_at 2018-03-31
アクセス数 : 958
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今月のアクセス数 : 8
今月のダウンロード数 : 7
RIHE140.pdf 1.57 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
The Globalization of Higher Education and STEM Education Reform
Yoshinaga Keiichiro
Source Title
Reviews in higher education
Volume 140
Journal Identifire
[NCID] AN10185602
Spurred by the World University Rankings, universities worldwide are striving to become World Class Universities (WCUs). Accordingly, the perception prevails that the strong governmental intervention into higher education is preferable to the chaos of the market mechanism in establishing WCUs. This monograph confirms this perception regarding the success of Singaporean and Chinese research universities.
This monograph also documents the diversity of the globalization of higher education in Asia in spite of the growing pressure to conform to the standards set by the U.S and the U.K. Thailand is focused on the training of domestic workforce, Australia is taking advantage of privately funded students from Asia, and Taiwan is connecting to Southeast Asia, the U.S. and the Greater China in its own way.
There persists a great gap between American and Asian education. American students are motivated and good at communication skills but often lack basic academic skills. Asian students obtain high scores on international tests but often lack engagement in learning. To produce innovation, both expertise and engagement are necessary.
Today, pedagogical theory is revealing the reason for the lack of innovation in Asia. Innovation requires inner motivation, encouragement, and collaboration. The excessive attention to examinations and authoritarian attitude of teachers in Asia inhibit creativity and collaboration. The knowledge society requires the transformation of the existing education in Asia, in which active learning can provide the solution.
はしがき… i
第1 章 アメリカの大学におけるSTEM 教育改革… 1
第2 章 STEM 教育改革の国際比較… 13
第3 章 エリート大学物理学科の国際比較… 23
第4 章 シンガポールにおける世界的研究大学の樹立… 33
第5 章 中進国タイの理工系人材育成モデル… 41
第6 章 オーストラリアにおける高等教育のグローバル化… 51
第7 章 国立台湾大学におけるグローバル化… 61
第8 章 高等教育のグローバル化と国際人材移動… 69
おわりに… 85
科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(B)(海外学術調査)(研究代表者 吉永 契一郎)
(平成26 年度〜平成29年度)
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type book
Date of Issued 2018-03-31
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISBN] 978-4-86637-006-4
[NCID] AN10185602