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RIHE134.pdf 2.57 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( jpn )
タイトル ( eng )
Undergraduate Education in Asia: The Cases for the Development of Additional Programs
南部 広孝
全 京和
廖 于晴
白銀 研五
渡辺 雅幸
中島 悠介
Reviews in higher education
[NCID] AN10185602
This book explores the characteristics and developments of undergraduate education in Asia, focusing on Additional Programs. Although undergraduate education varies between countries, the curricula have traditionally been designed for specialized fields and professions. However, universities are responding to changing environments such as globalization; the emerging knowledge-based society; the dynamics of democratization; and the expansion of higher education scale. It leads them to revise their regular curricula and to introduce Additional Programs that promote activities that are not included in the regular curricula. In our study, Additional Programs are divided into two types: supplementary and enrichment. The former examples are remedial education and learning support for poor academic performance students, and the latter ones are programs that strengthen research capabilities and supporting acquisition of qualifications or licences. We observe similarities and differences regarding Additional Programs and consider the philosophy of education reform in South Korea, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. The study provides a more comprehensive understanding of undergraduate education in Asia. In conclusion, these countries all develop Additional Programs, both supplementary and enrichment, beyond their regular curricula without regard to scale of undergraduate education or the regime. On the other hand, differences between the developments are found, which reflect the status of undergraduate education, the political situation, the economic system, social demand, and the university’s educational philosophy.
序章 研究目的と分析の視点 南部広孝…1
第1 章 韓国における付加的プログラムの展開 全京和…11
第2 章 中国における教育課程改革と付加的プログラムの展開 南部広孝…23
第3 章 台湾における付加的プログラムの展開と役割 廖于晴…35
第4 章 ベトナムにおける付加的プログラムの展開 白銀研五…49
第5 章 インドにおける付加的プログラムの展開 渡辺雅幸…63
第6 章 UAE・カタールにおける付加的プログラムの展開 中島悠介…75
終章 付加的プログラムの展開から見たアジアの大学教育 中島悠介・南部広孝…87
教育 [ 370 ]
資源タイプ 図書
発行日 2017-03-31
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISBN] 978-4-902808-99-5
[NCID] AN10185602